vID Internal Resource Center
Getting Started - vID

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Testing Instructions

Launch vID
Scan invite QR code
Create account credentials
email input is auto-populated from the QR code
create a password
Verify your email by entering the 6-digit code sent to the provided email address
Select the “get started” button on the welcome screen
Select the “get started” button on the steps to get a certification screen
Scan the front of the ID
Scan the back of the ID
Review your ID information
Add a new name if your legal name doesn’t match your ID
Add an additional address if you’ve moved, but your ID shows your old address
Take your selfie
Enter your SSN
If you do not have an SSN, you can select “Don’t have a social security number?” to certify you don’t have one
Select “Get Certified” on the get certified screen
Accept Disclosure Flow
Select “Next document” on the disclosure screens
Provide your signature and select “confirm”
You’ve successfully completed your vID!
If the biometric threshold is met, you will see the certification granted screen and proceed to your vID wallet
If the biometric threshold wasn’t met, you will see the in-progress status screen. The app with send you a notification when your order is complete.
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.